Clubs Accreditation

To become or remain a CSA Club you are required to complete the accreditation application each semester by the posted deadline. Clubs who apply for accreditation in the fall do not need to be re-accredited in the winter semester. Failure to complete accreditation requirements and/or the accreditation application by the specified deadline will result in denied accreditation status.

Accreditation Application

For Active CSA Clubs (accredited in the previous semester):

  • Please have the primary contact for your club log in to your club's GryphLife page, there will be a blue bar at the top of your organization's homepage asking them to complete the registration process.
  • If your primary contact needs to be updated on GryphLife you can do this through the manage roster page. There is a how to document to walk you through this process found under "files" at the bottom of this page. If you have issues, email
  • If your primary contact needs to be updated on GryphLife you can do this through the manage roster page. There is a how-to document to walk you through this process found under "files" at the bottom of this page. If you are having issues, reach out to  

For New or Inactive CSA Clubs (not accredited in the previous semester):

  • New clubs must complete the initial application before applying for accreditation. Click here to learn more about this process.
  • If your club has been accredited in the past, but is inactive, you will need to contact the Clubs Coordinator to reactivate your club's GryphLife page so that you will be able to access the form.
  • Please ensure to submit only one accreditation application per club. If a mistake occurs on your application contact the Clubs Coordinator at
  • You MUST have a GryphLife account to access the accreditation form. Only the primary contact for the GryphLife page will be able to access the form. 

Required Meetings & Training 

Clubs General Meeting: All CSA Clubs MUST have at least one representative attend the CSA Clubs General Meeting to be accredited in the Fall and Winter semesters. The information given is useful for all Executive members of a CSA Club. 

During these meetings, we review: 

  • Accreditation Applications 
  • SRM information 
  • Clubs Space 
  • Anti-Oppression / Inclusivity Training 

Accreditation Requirements

When completing the accreditation process online you will need the required information and documents listed below. Make sure to complete all required documents prior to submitting your accreditation application. Required documents or examples can be found at the bottom of this page, under "File Attachments."

Required Accreditation Application Information / Documents:

Requirements with a * may not be required for your club. For example, you will only need to fill out an external banking account form if your club actually has an external bank account. All other requirements are mandatory except those denoted with a *.

1. Membership List Document: This list should include the names, emails and positions of each member of your club. You are required to have at least 25 members, 2/3 of which must be undergraduate students of the University of Guelph. A sample membership list can be found below.

2. Primary Club Contact Information: You are required to have the name and email address for the two main primary contacts for your club. The first of these two contacts will be listed on Gryphlife as the primary contact for your club.

3. Booking Officers Information: You are required to have the name and email address for the two booking officers for your club. These two members will be the only ones able to rent equipment or book space on campus.

4. Financial Officers Information: You are required to have the name and email address for the two financial signing officers for your club. These two members will be the only ones able to withdraw or deposit finances into your clubs banking account.

5. External Banking Account Information Form *: If your club uses an external banking account outside of the CSA you must also upload the external banking account information form completed and signed. This form includes your branch name, bank address, transit and account number and two signing officers information and signatures. This form can be found below.

6. Minimum Internal Banking Account Deposit:  Minimum Internal Banking Account Deposit: As a CSA Club you are required to submit and maintain a minimum of $25.00 balance within your clubs internal banking account to be accredited. If you are a new club, you are required to e-transfer this deposit to More information can be found below under attachments, titled Club Procedure Withdrawals & Deposits. It is your responsibility to ensure that your internal banking account includes this $25.00 minimum balance at all times. To ensure your accreditation application is processed correctly, it is strongly recommended that you email before the accreditation deadline to ensure your Clubs Balance is at or above the required minimum.

7. Up to Date Clubs Constitution / Charter Document: All clubs must create and continually update a Clubs Constitution or Charter. This must be updated a minimum of every 5 years and should include:

  • Club name
  • Purpose and mandate
  • Statement of compliance with all CSA policies
  • Membership information (how to join, restrictions, membership privileges etc.)
  • List of executive positions and their duties
  • Meeting structure
  • Voting procedures
  • Procedure for elections
  • Procedure for constitutional amendments
  • Terms of Member Removal

A sample constitution can be found below.

8. Completed Financial Report Document for the Previous Semester *: Your club is required to submit a detailed financial report outlining all income/expenditures your club experienced in the previous active semester. This includes all SEIF funding received, all fundraising earnings collected, and any and all purchases. If your club does not experience any financial activity, your document should still outline the current balance of your clubs internal bank account on a monthly basis to demonstrate the lack of financial activity experienced by your club. A sample financial report can be found below. If you are a new club, this is not required.

9. Proposed Event Timeline and Budget Document for the Upcoming Semester: This can be purely tentative and should reflect accurately what financial support your club expects to receive from outside sources. A sample budget can be found below.

10. External Contract / Agreement Documents *: If your club has made an agreement with an external organization, signed an external contract, or is chapter of a larger organization, we require all official documentation regarding said agreement.

11. Clubs General Meeting Attendee(s) Information: Name and email of club member(s) who attended the Clubs General Meeting for that semester.

12. Anti-Oppression / Inclusivity Training Attendee(s) Information: Upload the certificate of completion from the member(s) who completed Anti-Oppression Training with the CSA within the current academic year. This training can be found here.

→ For questions around any of these documents or requirements, please email

File attachments

Last Updated:
Thursday, July 4th, 2024 1:42 PM