CSA Clubs

The CSA Clubs office is home to 100+ clubs on campus. If you want to get involved and make friends with other students who have the same interests, then check out the wide range of clubs accredited through the CSA. These clubs’ mandates range from cultural, political, religious, athletic, social, or just for fun – there’s something for everyone!

Contact & Office Hours

Clubs Coordinator - Paraj Mongia [she/her]

  • Available via email at csaclubs@uoguelph.ca
  • Summer 2024 Office Hours 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday to Friday
  • Ask about any questions or concerns related to Club Accreditation, Trainings, Clubs Days, Club Storage or anything in between! 
    Please check website tabs (on the left on desktop and below on mobile) before reaching out 

Events Coordinator - Jack Fisher

  • Available via email at csaevents@uoguelph.ca
  • Ask your specific questions about Student Event & Risk Management and related training! 

Academic Clubs

Most college governments coordinate clubs that are related to academics studied in their college. For example, the College of Physical and Engineering Science Student Council coordinates the Astronomy Club, while the Central Veterinary Students Association coordinates the Equine Club. For college-affiliated clubs, visit your college website (listed below) or check out GryphLife for a central platform of all clubs and organizations accredited on campus 

College Websites

Last Updated:
Thursday, July 4th, 2024 1:42 PM