Winter 2022 General Election

W22 General Election Official Results

The following results of the Winter 2022 General Election were ratified by the CSA Board of Directors on March 14, 2022.


To calculate Quorum, we referenced the total number of surveys completed with the number of Undergraduate students. Please note, declined votes included students who either selected decline on a ballot or did not indicate their preference on a ballot, but had submitted their survey.

Quorum Met (12.63%)
There was one candidate for the position of CSA President: Nicole Walker. 2380 votes were cast. The results are as follows:

  • Yes - 1464
  • No - 161
  • Decline - 755

Nicole Walker was elected as CSA President.

VP Academic
Quorum Met (12.63%)
There was one candidate for the position of VP Academic: Mason Friebe. 2380 votes were cast. The results are as follows:

  • Yes - 1445
  • No - 413
  • Decline - 522

Mason Friebe was elected as VP Academic.

VP External
Quorum Met (12.63%)
There were two candidates for the position of VP External: Jena-Lee Ashley and Angel Culmer. 2380 votes were cast. The results are as follows:

  • Angel Culmer - 769
  • Jena-Lee Ashley - 884
  • Decline - 727

Jena-Lee Ashley was elected as VP External.


To calculate Quorum, we referenced the total number of surveys completed with the number of Undergraduate students who are members of said college. Please note, declined votes included students who either selected decline on a ballot or did not indicate their preference on a ballot, but had submitted their survey.

College of Biological Sciences
Quorum Met (10.78%)
There was one candidate for the College of Biological Sciences: Sanya Sareen. 453 votes were cast.  The results are as follows:

  • Sanya Sareen - 395
  • Decline - 58

Sanya Sareen was elected as the Director at Large for CBS.

Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
Quorum Met (16.87%)
There were two candidates for the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics: Daniel Neiterman and Mauricio Canedo Fernandez. 555 votes were cast. The results are as follows:

  • Daniel Neiterman - 278
  • Mauricio Canedo Fernandez - 252
  • Decline - 25

Daniel Neiterman and Mauricio Canedo Fernandez were elected as the Directors at Large for LANG>

Ontario Agricultural College
Quorum Met (12.41%)
There was one candidate for the Ontario Agricultural College: Isha Maharaj. 280 votes were cast. The results are as follows: 

  • Isha Maharaj - 236
  • Decline - 44

Isha Maharaj was elected as the Director at Large for OAC.

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Quorum Met (13.79%)
There was one candidate for the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences: Jake Levy. 396 votes were cast. The results are as follows:

  • Jake Levy - 335
  • Decline - 61

Jake Levy was elected as the Director at Large for CEPS.

Summary of Results

The following have been elected:

  • CSA President: Nicole Walker
  • VP Academic: Mason Friebe
  • VP External: Jena-Lee Ashley
  • CBS Director at Large: Sanya Sareen
  • LANG Directors at Large: Daniel Neiterman and Mauricio Canedo Fernando
  • OAC Director at Large: Isha Maharaj
  • CEPS Director at Large: Jake Levy

Election Timeline

  • Nominations Period: Monday, January 17 to Wednesday, January 26 at 4:00 pm
  • All Candidates Meeting: Friday, January 28 at 5:30 pm
  • Campaign Period: Monday, January 31 to Thursday, February 10
  • Voting Period: Monday, February 7 to Thursday, February 10 at 11:59 pm
    * Please note that voting was extended to February 18 in an effort to make quorum.
  • Unofficial Results: Monday, February 22 at roughly 12:00 (noon)
  • Ratification of Elected Candidates: Wednesday, March 9 at the CSA Board Meeting

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Last Updated:
Tuesday, March 15th, 2022 3:36 PM