Fall 2021: By-Election and Bus Pass Referendum Results

Election Results: Fall 2021 By-Election

In order to calculate Quorum, we referenced the total number of surveys completed with the number of Undergraduate students. Please note, declined votes included students who either selected decline on a ballot or did not indicate their preference on a ballot, but had submitted their survey.

Referendum: Quorum Met (31.7%)
Quorum: 20% (4229 votes) – Ballots submitted: 6703
•    Yes: 6055
•    No: 626
•    Decline: 22

The transit referendum received a majority Yes vote.

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences: Quorum Met (30.2%)

Quorum: 10% (338 votes) – Ballots submitted: 1023

The candidates for the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences were Valeria Telles and Anton Naim Ibrahim.
•    Valeria Telles: 593
•    Anton Naim Ibraim: 324
•    Decline: 276 

Ontario Agricultural College: Quorum Met (38.5%)

Quorum: 10% (241 votes) – Ballots submitted: 927

The candidate for the Ontario Agricultural College was Isha Maharaj.
•    Yes (in support of Isha Maharaj as the representative): 669
•    No: 34
•    Decline: 224

The following were elected:
•    CEPS Directors at Large: Valeria Telles and Anton Naim Ibrahim
•    OAC Director at Large: Isha Maharaj

Last Updated:
Monday, August 29th, 2022 3:45 PM