Past Campaigns

Fight The Fees

In Ontario, we pay the highest tuition fees and have the lowest per-student funding in the country. The Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body at this university, voted to increase tuition fees every year since 2006. UofG, although charging more for tuition conducted 32.4 million dollars in program cuts, so we’re actually paying more, and getting less in return! Join the movement to protect quality, accessible education. Let’s fight the fees!


The bottled water-free movement is sweeping the nation, and the University of Guelph is way behind the pack. Bottled water-free efforts on campus have been ongoing since 2007. We need your voices to keep pushing Administration for the change we need. Join TapIn! to raise awareness about water privatization and environmental sustainability. Mobilize for more water fountains on campus, and "TapIn!" to our strongest campaign yet! 
