Missed picking up your bus pass sticker?

Bus Pass Distribution 

Registered for classes in the summer semester?

Pick up your bus pass at the CSA Front Office (UC Lv 2) Monday to Thursday, 9am-12:30pm and 1pm-4pm. 

DE & Co-op:

  • $117, cash

Not registered for classes in the summer semester but want to opt-in?

Opt-in at the CSA Front Office (UC Lv 2) Monday to Thursday, 9am-12:30pm and 1pm-4pm.


  • $120, cash
  • Deadline to opt-in is May 31

Can't make it during Front Office hours? 

Email csavpexternal@uoguelph.ca to set up an appointment for May 25 from 4pm-6:30pm. This will be the final after-hours date. 

Grace Period

The grace period ends Friday, May 12 @ midnight. The grace period lets you ride the bus with your student ID.

Posted on Wednesday, May 24th, 2017