CSA Operational Committees
Accessibility Committee —
Formerly Accessibility Working Group (AWG)
Chair: CSA VP Academic (csavpacademic@uoguelph.ca)
See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix D, Section 9.0 for more details.
- To act as a forum for discussing and promoting accessibility for persons with disabilities.
- To act as a resource for accessibility within the organization.
- To explore and deconstruct all real and potential barriers within the CSA.
- To discuss the experiences of members with disabilities.
Membership: Membership is confidential.
- CSA VP Academic
- CSA Board members
- CSA Staff
- CSA Board Members
- U of G Students
Affordable Housing Initiative —
Chair: CSA VP External (csavpexternal@uoguelph.ca)
- To direct the usage of student fees collected by a 2003 referendum question around the issue of Affordable Housing.
- To seek out projects and partnerships that allow for the creation or subsidization of affordable housing for University of Guelph students
- CSA VP External
- One Member appointed by the Board of Directors
- CSA Business Manager
- One representative from the Centre for Students with Disabilities
Awareness of Sexual Assault
and Prevention Committee (ASAP) —
This committee is no longer active.
- To provide members of the University community and Guelph community with an empowering and comprehensible understanding of sexual assault.
- To bring together stakeholders of the University community and Guelph community to foster greater awareness on campus of sexual violence.
- To organize from a pro-survivor, compassionate, inclusive, and anti-oppressive framework.
- To organize appropriate and up to date annual events that address issues of sexual violence on and off campus
Membership: Although ASAP is a CSA committee, it is not internal and is community-based. Various campus and off-campus groups have a seat on this committee.
Bike Centre Committee —
Chair: Facilitation of meetings rotates in order to afford committee members with chairing experience.
Contact: CSA VP External (csavpexternal@uoguelph.ca)
Terms of Reference: The Bike Centre Committee will continually look at ways to improve and increase the usership of the Bike Centre, and also look for ways to support student self-empowerment and sustainable transit through Bike Centre activities. See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix A, Section 2.3 for more details.
- To establish a Bike Centre operational mandate during the first two meetings of the Summer semester and conduct an annual review of the mandate.
- To provide constructive critiques/feedback on current projects to give direction for future projects.
- To structure, design and review systems for gathering user-ship data and to include results to support recommendations.
- CSA VP External
- Two CSA Board Members
- One additional Executive member
- Bike Centre Coordinator
- One Bike Centre volunteer
Bullring Committee —
The Bullring Committee is formed every year to monitor the detailed operations of the Bullring and to provide direction in accordance with the Bullring Committee Terms of Reference.
- To be the formal link between the CSA and Bullring.
- To provide direction to and act as an advisory body to the Bullring General Manager.
- To conduct an annual review of the programming goals for the year.
- To ensure the values of the space are being maintained
- One CSA Vice President
- One CSA Board Member
- Bullring General Manager
- CSA Business Manager
- Any member of the CSA appointed by the Board of Directors
Capacity, Analysis, and Planning Committee (CAPCOM) —
Chair: CSA VP Academic (csavpacademic@uoguelph.ca)
Note: On April 3, 2019, the CSA Board approved the following amendment to CSA Policy Manual, Appendix A:" The Capacity, Analysis and Planning Committee (CAPCOM) is an ad hoc committee that may be formed at the discretion of the Board and the Executive, to address issues based on annual priorities. "For further details, see CSA Policy Manual, Appendix D, Section 11.0.
- To identify the core and perceived structural issues of the CSA.
- To consult Board members, Executive, permanent and student staff, and students.
- To produce an annual document for the Board of Directors to assist with decision-making.
- To conduct Board survey in Fall and Winter semesters.
- To conduct a General Student Survey.
- To suggest courses of action and the associated pros and cons
Membership: Minimum 6 members:
- CSA VP Academic
- One Additional Executive member
- Four CSA Board members.
Clubs Tribunal —
Chair: CSA VP Student Experience (csavpexperience@uoguelph.ca)
See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix F, Section 7.0
- To be responsible for awarding Club status to those who qualify under CSA Policy, Appendix G.3.0.
- To review accreditation status of a club to deem whether its accreditation status or privileges (including club space) will be revoked, denied, and/or subject to any limitations.
Membership: Members will be chosen no later than the first Board meeting of each semester.
- CSA VP Student Experience
- Two CSA Board members.
Elections Appeals Board (EAB) —
The Elections Appeals Board meets on an as-needed basis to preside over matters regarding minor campaigning infractions. The EAB will hold three meetings during campaign and voting periods.
See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix G, Section 27.0 for more details.
Membership: The membership of the Elections Appeals Board (EAB) is organized by the CSA President and ratified by the Board of Directors.
- Three Non-Executive Board members
- Two General CSA members
Ethical Purchasing Committee —
Chair: CSA VP External (csavpexternal@uoguelph.ca)
See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix D, Section 14.0
- To ensure that the CSA and all services, clubs and organizations accredited through the CSA are making environmentally sound purchases and supporting workers locally and internationally by purchasing from suppliers that maintain a positive and ethical working environment.
- To review purchases made on behalf of the CSA, a CSA service, or a club or organization accredited through the CSA.
Membership: Although there are no Board Members mentioned, there is no restriction on having interested Board Members participate in this Committee.
- CSA VP External
- CSA VP Student Experience
- Clubs Coordinator
- One Coordinator from each service
- CSA Promotional Services & Graphic Designer
FoodBank Committee —
Chair: CSA VP External (csavpexternal@uoguelph.ca)
Terms of Reference: See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix D, Section 12.0 for more details.
To act as a resource to the CSA FoodBank staff and volunteers, and to oversee the operations of the FoodBank
- CSA VP External
- FoodBank Coordinator
- Minimum of one CSA Board Member
- At least one FoodBank volunteer
- A GSA representative
- At least one U of G student
Standing Referendum Committee (SRC) —
Chair: Chief Returning Officer (csacro@uoguelph.ca)
See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix G, Section 7.0
- To receive all submitted referendum questions from the Elections Office.
- To determine the wording of the referendum question.
- To approve referendum questions.
- Chief Returning Officer (CRO)
- Minimum two CSA Board members
Student Health and Dental Plan Committee —
Co-Chair: CSA President (csapresident@uoguelph.ca) with a GSA representative
- To make decisions regarding the student health and dental plans at the University of Guelph
Membership: The membership of this committee consists of voting and non-voting seats.
- Voting Members:
- CSA President
- One CSA Board Member
- CSA Business Manager
- Director of Student Health Services
- GSA VP Finance
- Non-Voting Seats:
- GSA Office Manager
- Gallivan Associates staff
- Health Benefits Office Service Provider
Student Help & Advocacy Centre (SHAC) Advisory Committee —
Chair: CSA VP Academic (csavpacademic@uoguelph.ca)
Terms of Reference: See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix A, Section 2.10 for more details.
To produce an annual document to ensure there is a written history of the vision, goals, and operation of the Centre
Membership: Minimum six members:
- CSA VP Academic
- At least three Directors
- SHAC Coordinator
- One current SHAC volunteer
theCannon.ca Operating Committee —
Contact: CSA President (csapresident@uoguelph.ca) or CSA VP Experience (csavpexperience@uoguelph.ca)
See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix B, Section 2,0 for more details.
- To develop a vision for the website.
- To ensure the website meets the expectations set out in the vision.
- To oversee the development of content for the website.
- To act as an appeal body for any decisions made by the staff of the website
Membership: Non-voting seats are appointed by the Committee.
- CSA President
- CSA VP Student Experience
- One CSA Board member
- CSA Programmer
- CSA Promotional Services & Graphic Designer
- Two Guelph Campus Coop (GCC) Board members
- theCannon.ca Editor
- GCC Member Relations Coordinator.
CSA / GSA Transit Committee —
The CSA / GSA Transit Committee is duly appointed by both Associations. The Committee is the formal link between Guelph Transit, students, University Administration and each respective Board of Directors.
Co-Chair: The CSA President and the GSA VP External alternate the responsibilities associated with each meeting.
- To enforce the contracts and monitor service for the Student Universal Bus Pass and Late Night Service.
- To communicate Transit issues efficiently and promptly, and at all times, prioritize the needs and concerns of students.
Member Responsibilities:
- Effectively communicating any changes in service, protocol or any other related transit issues as required.
- Negotiating the terms, conditions and fees for the Universal Bus Pass program and the Late Night Bus Service Agreement, and relaying information in writing to the University of Guelph's Vice Provost of Student Affairs.
- Preparing a summary report once per semester to be presented for information to each association’s Board of Directors.
- Voting Members:
- CSA VP External
- GSA VP External or delegate
- CSA President
- CSA Business Manager
- Manager, Off-Campus Living
- CSA Board Member
- GSA Board Member.
- Non-Voting Members:
- GSA Office Manager
- CSA Office Manager (Scribe)
- General Manager, Guelph Transit
- Interested individuals at the discretion of the co-chairs
University Centre Board of Directors Selection Committee —
Contact: VP Student Experience (csavpexperience@uoguelph.ca)
Terms of Reference: CSA will appoint ten undergraduate representatives to the University Centre Board. Appointments are for a term of two years. See CSA Policy Manual, Appendix A, Section 6.0
To select members to sit as voting members on the University Centre Board of Directors
- VP Student Experience
- Two Board Members